From G.W. Miller 7/1/2005
I Served with the 15th Engineers attached to 299th combat Engineers at Dakto Aug. 1967 until March 1968.
I just have been thinking about those years in Nam. I know it has been a long time ago but the memories seem like they happened just yesterday. Now I'm an old man feeling like I'm nineteen again.
We took a lot of fire from the NVA at our base camp during my tour there. The ironic thing is on the 15th of Nov. 1967 those NVA bastards hit the ammo dump next to our base camp and all hell broke lose. We were dug in, thanks to some old Korean, and WW2 vets who knew their shit, they saved or butts. After crawling out of our holes the next morning there was nothing left. Thank God we had none killed but several wounded. What really pisses me off is that the special forces on the other side of the ammo dump were evacuated! Why the NVA didn't over run us I can't understand.
Afterwards the Fourth Infantry (12TH) took hill 1262 and hill 1338 and kicked their asses back to Cambodia. We had many causalities and the one thing I remember is being at the airstrip at Dakto when they brought our fallen men from off the battle field in body bags and lined them up along the runway. There were so many. Going home now but not to grow old.
God bless those soldiers who gave the ultimate for their country. God bless those young people who now are serving in Iraq. God bless America.
Back home in Oregon.
Thanks for building your site.
GW Miller
I Served with the 15th Engineers attached to 299th combat Engineers at Dakto Aug. 1967 until March 1968.
I just have been thinking about those years in Nam. I know it has been a long time ago but the memories seem like they happened just yesterday. Now I'm an old man feeling like I'm nineteen again.
We took a lot of fire from the NVA at our base camp during my tour there. The ironic thing is on the 15th of Nov. 1967 those NVA bastards hit the ammo dump next to our base camp and all hell broke lose. We were dug in, thanks to some old Korean, and WW2 vets who knew their shit, they saved or butts. After crawling out of our holes the next morning there was nothing left. Thank God we had none killed but several wounded. What really pisses me off is that the special forces on the other side of the ammo dump were evacuated! Why the NVA didn't over run us I can't understand.
Afterwards the Fourth Infantry (12TH) took hill 1262 and hill 1338 and kicked their asses back to Cambodia. We had many causalities and the one thing I remember is being at the airstrip at Dakto when they brought our fallen men from off the battle field in body bags and lined them up along the runway. There were so many. Going home now but not to grow old.
God bless those soldiers who gave the ultimate for their country. God bless those young people who now are serving in Iraq. God bless America.
Back home in Oregon.
Thanks for building your site.
GW Miller